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Week 11

In this lesson, we will explore the future of big data and deep learning.


After completing this week, you should be able to:

  • Describe upcoming advances in big data and deep learning and their potential use cases
  • Experiment with advanced deep learning use cases including text and image generation


  • Chapter 12 in Designing Data-Intensive Applications
  • Read chapters 8 and 9 in Deep Learning with Python

Weekly Resources

Assignment 11

Using section 8.1 in Deep Learning with Python as a guide, implement an LSTM text generator. Train the model on the Enron corpus or a text source of your choice. Save the model and generate 20 examples to the results directory of dsc650/assignments/assignment11/.

Submission Instructions

For this assignment, you will submit a zip archive containing the contents of the dsc650/assignments/assignment11/ directory. Use the naming convention of for the zip archive. You can create this archive in Bash (or a similar Unix shell) using the following commands.

cd dsc650/assignments
zip -r assignment11

Likewise, you can create a zip archive using Windows PowerShell with the following command.

Compress-Archive -Path assignment10 -DestinationPath '

Discussion Board

You are required to have a minimum of 10 posts each week. Similar to previous courses, any topic counts towards your discussion count, as long as you are active more than 2 days per week with 10 posts, you will receive full credit.

Last update: March 12, 2023