Data Size¶
Value | Unit | Symbol | Notes |
1 | Byte | B | 1 byte = 1 letter in computer memory |
10^{3} | Kilobyte | kB | 2 kB = RAM on original NES |
10^{6} | Megabyte | MB | 1 MB ≈ 1 HD quality photo |
10^{9} | Gigabyte | GB | 1 GB ≈ 114 minutes of uncompressed CD audio |
10^{12} | Terabyte | TB | 1.9 TB ≈ Size of all multimedia files used in English wikipedia on May 2012 |
10^{15} | Petabyte | PB | 10 PB ≈ Size of Library of Congress collection in 2005 |
10^{18} | Exabyte | EB | 15 EB ≈ storage space at Google data warehouse as of 2013 |
10^{21} | Zettabyte | ZB | 6.9 ZB ≈ amount of data accessed by Americans in 2012 |
10^{24} | Yottabyte | YB | 1 YB ≈ 131 TB for every person on Earth |
Value | Unit | Symbol | Notes |
2^{10} | Kibibyte | Ki | 1024 bytes |
2^{20} | Mebibyte | Mi | 1024 kibibytes |
2^{30} | Gibibyte | Gi | 1024 mebibytes |
2^{40} | Tebibyte | Ti | 1024 gibibytes |
2^{50} | Pebibyte | Pi | 1024 tebibytes |
2^{60} | Exbibyte | Ei | 1024 pebibytes |
2^{70} | Zebibyte | Zi | 1024 exbibytes |
2^{80} | Yobibyte | Yi | 1024 zebibytes |
Last update: March 12, 2023